Welcome to the official Raa Marchant Website.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
I am what I am. I wont change for no one. You either like what I do or not. I respect that. My goals are high or why bother with the challenge. The people I work with are my friends. When I get to where I am going, then you will come along for the ride!
People ask me what I want. Its simple. I want to make great films with great people and enjoy every minute of it. - Raa
Raa on violent films.
There will always be those who hate to see violence on the screen. I understand their views and although it may look like i support violence this is incorrect. The use of unnecessary violence is without question wrong. However I believe that to portray a person on screen as violent is a challenging thing for any actor to do and this must be seen for what it is. If you are disgusted by the actors perfomance then quite frankly the actor has achieved their objective. When you see me playing such a role then you need to understand the amount of work that it took to make me look this way. I am so far from being that character in real life so it proves challenging to portay such a terrible person. But like every other type of character these people do exist.
Raa Marchant
There will always be those who hate to see violence on the screen. I understand their views and although it may look like i support violence this is incorrect. The use of unnecessary violence is without question wrong. However I believe that to portray a person on screen as violent is a challenging thing for any actor to do and this must be seen for what it is. If you are disgusted by the actors perfomance then quite frankly the actor has achieved their objective. When you see me playing such a role then you need to understand the amount of work that it took to make me look this way. I am so far from being that character in real life so it proves challenging to portay such a terrible person. But like every other type of character these people do exist.
Raa Marchant